There has been a church in Dymock for over 925 years and our building still acts as a centre for worship, weddings, baptisms, funerals, and our ability to serve the local community. We are grateful for donations already received from many generous sources which have enabled a lot of the repairs to be done already. But a building of of that age is
constantly in need of repairs, some of it urgent.
If you would like to donate something towards preserving this ancient building, and so enable our work of reaching out to serve everyone in the parish to continue, you can make a cash donation or use a debit or credit card in the church, or post it to: Dymock Church PCC, Wintours Green, Dymock, GL18 2AQ.

In addition, please consider leaving a legacy in your will - a method that is often overlooked but which can be a great help; preferably left for general use, where it can be used where most needed from time to time, or if you have a particular interest, you can direct it to be earmarked only for a specific purpose.
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